Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Military Toilets

Military Toilets - Sign up for our free daily newsletter and occasional offers from our journalism support program. By signing up for an email, you agree to receive special offers on programs supporting The Nation's journalism. You can cancel your subscription or change your preferences at any time.

You can read our Privacy Policy here. The March report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO), "Navy Shipbuilding: A Focus on Sustainability Early in the Acquisition Process Could Save Billions" identified 150 systemic maintenance challenges. This included toilets.

Military Toilets

File:1. Interior Of The Military Prison, Inside Edinburgh Castle, Scotland.  The Prison Was Built InSource:

The media ate such a story. The Pentagon's overpaid daily necessities have sparked hundreds of articles in newspapers and magazines, including the front page of The Washington Post. Two whistleblowers were even interviewed on The Tonight Show, and Johnny Carson mocked the scandal in his opening monologue on The Tonight Show.

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Perhaps the most memorable depiction of the problem is The Washington Post's Herblock cartoon of Reagan Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger hanging a $640 toilet bowl around his neck. This explosion of truth-telling, whistleblowing, investigative journalism, and ridicule helped cap Reagan's military buildup, but it didn't stop the Pentagon from finding more innovative ways to blunder.

tax dollars. Dissension. "The Navy used an all-new toilet and sewage system on the CVN 77 and 78, similar to commercial aircraft, but scaled up for a crew of more than 4,000. To address the system's sudden and frequent clogging, the Navy decided: CVN 77 and 78's sewage systems require regular acid cleaning, which is an unplanned maintenance activity over the life of the vessel.Army and Outdoors, also known as Kiwi Disposals, has been in business for quite some time, over 35 years. From two retail outlets in operation (Auckland and Christchurch) to a busy website servicing New Zealand and around the world, the tremendous persistence and abundance of these events suggests that it's time to rethink what exactly they are. Far from the aberrations that need to be corrected to make the Pentagon responsible for the massive tax waste, with style.With that in mind, let's look at some highlights of the Pentagon's waste from the 1960s to today. For those unfamiliar with military deployments, In general, the bathroom situation will be interesting - it's rare that a bathroom (or "bathroom" or "main" or any other euphemism not acceptable in polite company) is actually in the same building or area where you sleep. Nearly 50 years after the countermeasures, Lockheed Martin used an inflationary version of the jobs claim to defend the F-35, making exaggerated claims that the plane would provide 125,000 jobs in 46 states. We've even created a handy interactive map that shows how many jobs each sector creates. Never mind that military spending is a much less effective way to create jobs than investments in housing, education, or infrastructure. The example above is a huge iceberg of war waste. In a recent report for the Center for International Policy, I found that these wasteful spending totaled over $33 billion.

We identified 27 recent cases. And that was just everyday life in the 21st century Pentagon world. Despite wasting tens of billions of dollars on projects like the F-35, the cases that get the most media attention and taxpayer ire involve overspending on mundane tasks.

Maybe it's because the average person can't imagine the cost of a fighter jet, but it's easier to understand that spending $640 on a toilet seat and $7,600 on a coffee pot is outrageous. First exposed in the 1980s by Dina Rasor of the military procurement project, these examples undercut the Ronald Reagan administration's view that the Pentagon could not cut a dime from its record peacetime budget.

912 Military Rd E, Tacoma, Wa 98445 | Source:

It Took $ Billion Not To Audit The Pentagon

Second, don't let graffiti come back. We posted one Soldier Creed and one NCO Creed on both counters. laminated. The most outrageous spending choice of the 1990s was undoubtedly the Clinton administration's decision to subsidize a major defense merger.

When Lockheed (again!) and Martin Marietta merged, Northrop Grumman merged, and Boeing acquired McDonnell Douglas, the Department of Defense financed everything from plant closures to golden parachute grants for laid-off executives and directors. . At the time, Vermont Congressman Bernie Sanders aptly called the process "pay for layoffs."

That's because dismissed workers were mostly left to fend for themselves, while Pentagon officials were paid soundly. Sailors blamed the ship's vacuum system, and the Navy blamed sailors for flushing sanitary products. During these problems, sailors complained of having to walk for an hour to find a working toilet.

The Navy spent 10,000 man-hours fixing the problem, which appears to have included an acid wash. According to fleet maintenance officials, each acid wash costs approximately $400,000. However, the Navy has yet to determine how often and how many ships will need this acid wash.

The Classic $ Toilet Seat

Therefore, the overall impact on costs cannot yet be fully quantified. COPYRIGHT © 1995 - now = new Date theYear=now.getYear() if (year < 1900) year=year+1900 document.write(theYear) | Jinwon Supply LLC. All Rights Reserved. | Magento Website Design: Watermelon Web Works Duane K.L. France is a retired Army Logistics Sergeant and veteran of last century Iraq (x1), Afghanistan (x2) and Bosnia who spent time supporting 10th Special Forces in North Africa.

Group 10 of his career. While in the military, he focused on fulfilling his duties and the welfare of his soldiers. After his retirement he decided to make the welfare of his soldiers his mission and became a clinical mental health counselor in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

A Toilet As A Bomb On A Military Aircraft - Il SanitarioSource:

In addition to serving as a counselor for veterans related to his justice, he writes for a wider audience on his website, This article was originally published on this site and is used here with permission.

Peter Suciu is a Michigan-based author who has contributed to over 40 magazines, newspapers and websites. He has written several books on military headdresses, including A Gallery of Military Headdress available on This article first appeared earlier this year.

Military Toilet Tissue Packets - Count

In 2006, our unit was stationed at a forward operating base northeast of Baghdad, Iraq. We lived and worked in a two-story dorm-style building, one of a series of three. Between us and the building next door was a trailer with toilets and showers for both men and women.

Consider a 5-wheel RV with only a toilet and shower. This arrangement was shared by several different units, probably about 300 to 400 of us. Public toilet company president Chuck Kaufman told the Navy Times that the biggest problem is that toilets can be less sanitary.

“The urinal is a target,” said Kaufman. "The problem [for flush toilets] is that the target is very large and we can't target it very quickly." But most of it wasn't fun. Just as the graffiti in the men's room starts to cause tension among people, and it gets to the point where anonymity on the bathroom walls brings out the worst, and anonymity and lack of face-to-face feedback sometimes brings out the worst in people in society.

media. So I decided to do something about it. This is also the USS Gerald R. Ford's latest toilet issue. It was the first aircraft carrier to have gender-neutral toilets without urinals. The Navy's decision was to increase flexibility in changing the crew's berth arrangement, but critics point to a number of problems in the fact that fewer than 18% of all Navy sailors are female and each toilet takes up more space than a wall-mounted urinal. I did.

Army Toilet At Rs 100000/Unit. Source:

$ The Cost To Unclog A Toilet On A Us Navy Aircraft Carrier

. This bag can be folded into a compact and lightweight bag to store and carry your toiletries. The military-inspired design includes a bag-hanging hook and an acrylic shaving mirror attached with a hook-and-loop. There is a large zipped pocket behind the mirror, 3 bags and a mesh pocket underneath.

It all folds 1/3 of its size and secures with a quick release. Perfect for travel, camping and hiking. First, remove the graffiti. It was one of the first challenges and that's why it spiraled out of control.

The command thought, "Well, when we clean up, we'll come back, so it's no use." Lesson #1: No matter what you do, it's no use if you think it's no use. Don't accept a problem because you think there is no solution.

to find out. So I made sure we got it off and one of my men spent the night washing the walls. He said he enjoyed it, calling it "meditative". It goes to show that sometimes tedious things can happen during deployment.

How Many States Can You Lose Jobs In?

In a tried-and-true lobbying technique that arms manufacturers have used since then, Lockheed argued that refusing loan guarantees would cost 34,000 jobs in 35 states and undermine the Pentagon's ability to prepare for the next war, whatever it may be.

The tactic worked like a charm. "I'm not going to put thousands of people out of their jobs," said Montana Senator Lee Metcalf, who cast the deciding vote on the bailout. A New York Times analysis found that every senator living in a state with a Lockheed-related plant voted in favor of the deal.

A Row Of Toilets In An Army Base In The South Pacific During World War Ii,  Ca. 1943 Stock Photo - AlamySource:

who knows If the Pentagon's wasteful ways come under real scrutiny and control, people might start to question whether, for example, a country already capable of destroying the world many times over should spend $1 trillion over the next 30 years.

About next-generation ballistic missiles, bombers and nuclear submarines. None of this would be good news for contractors or allies in the Pentagon and Congress. Manufactured to DOD specifications, this MRE toilet paper is the same toilet paper issued to our military.

Also known as "John Wayne Toilet Paper" (a military term used to describe the toilet paper found on MRE Meal Ready to Eat supply packages). It was an attempt to use my position in my unit to influence behavior and not be a coward by not hanging something on the wall anonymously.

Surprisingly, it worked. Second lesson: even if the hairstyle doesn't work for you, try it. you never know The Pentagon's rationale for providing hundreds of millions of dollars for these emerging defense forces is ludicrous. The seemingly absurd claim was that a new, larger company would offer lower prices to the Pentagon if it eliminated unnecessary overhead.

Lawrence Korb, a former Pentagon official who opposed the subsidies at the time, made the obvious. There is no evidence that weapons programs are cheap, over-expensive, or wasteful as a result of government-subsidized mergers. As the world of munitions giants that followed proved, the bargaining power of companies like Lockheed Martin undoubtedly led to higher arms costs in a much less competitive market.

Porta Kleen offers innovative and durable products that can travel across the country and can be rented on short or long term contracts. Our experienced sales team works with you to determine which product meets your needs and ensures that your mission is professionally managed and serviced.

Military Police Tactical Porta Potty Clearing - YoutubeSource:

By rewarding Lockheed Martin for its wasteful practices, Congress set a precedent that has never been replaced. A modern example is Lockheed Martin's F-35 fighter jet, speaking of demons. At $1.4 trillion in lifetime procurement and operating costs, it's the most expensive weapons program ever undertaken by the Pentagon (or anyone else on the planet), and there are already warning signs.

Estimated costs run into tens of billions of dollars. Dissension. Overruns and numerous performance problems occurred before the F-35 even left the test phase. Now, the Pentagon intends to go into airplane production with a “block purchase” of more than 400 planes, with little or no responsibility for the quality and cost of the final product.

A few months ago, her fellow blogger and veteran, Kristina Evans, wrote a post about how to transition from one location to another and how not to make a mess for someone else to clean up.

He did this after being inspired by a sign in her bathroom that read "Flush the toilet before leaving the store." Puns and catalog puns aside, the post reminded me of a lesson I learned from another label in a far-off bathroom.

In any case, the Pentagon's accounting practices have deteriorated in recent years. Of the many violations of reasonable accounting, perhaps the most egregious is the way the war budget, known in Pentagon terminology as the Foreign Contingency Account, was used as a slush fund to pay for items worth tens of billions of dollars.

It has nothing to do with waging war. This evasive ploy was used to circumvent the cap imposed by Congress on the Department of Defense's general budget in the Budget Control Act of 2011. "Nothing, that's it. The other day he pissed me off so much that I thought I'd go in and write on the wall and then look at your sign and tell you instead of writing on the wall."

One reason the Pentagon has been able to avoid all of this is that it has not been able to conduct a brief audit on its own, despite a congressional mandate dating back to 1990. Conveniently, this means that the Department of Defense cannot tell us how much equipment it bought, how often it was overcharged, or even how many contractors it hired.

This can be very poor accounting, but it's perfect for defense companies that make more money in an environment with minimal liability. Call it irony or a symptom of a successful lifestyle, but a recent analysis by Project Government Oversight found that the Pentagon has spent about $6 billion so far on audit issues, and no solution is in sight.

"Unfortunately, this isn't the first time the ship's toilet paper has been reported in the press. In 2011, all 423 toilets were reported to have been unused at least twice during the first year of operation.

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